Press Releases

Press Releases2023-03-09T15:40:32-08:00

RMAI publishes and distributes press releases on various RMAI and receivables management industry topics including the RMAI Receivables Management Certification Program, the RMAI Annual Conference, financial literacy, member resources, and more.


DBA International Responds to Op Ed in American Banker

Letter to the Editor: American Banker News Headline: Debt Collectors Need CFPB's Kick in the Pants Date: 4/28/15 Link to story: Editor, The article on debt collectors needing a “kick in the pants” contains a fatal flaw. By attempting to paint all debt collectors [...]


DBA International Recognized by Michigan Legislature with Senate Resolution

Resolution commends DBA’s Receivables Management Certification Program Sacramento, CA, March 30, 2015 – The Michigan Legislature adopted a resolution on March 26, 2015 recognizing and commending DBA International for its efforts to protect consumers and creditors through its national Receivables Management Certification Program. Senator Margaret [...]


DBA International Announces Launch of New Website

March 17, 2015 (Sacramento, CA) – DBA International is pleased to announce the launch of its new website, An organized and clean design with enhanced navigation offers visitors access to a broader array of features and content and a more user friendly experience. The [...]


DBA Announces Launch of New Website

DBA International announces the launch of its new website, An organized and clean design with enhanced navigation offers members access to a broader array of features and content and a more user friendly experience. The site gives our growing association a professional look and [...]


DBA International Thanks Annual Conference Sponsors

DBA International extends a sincere thank you to its 18th Annual Conference sponsors who continue to help DBA host its “must-attend” conference featuring prominent speakers, quality educational sessions and numerous networking and business development opportunities. Annual conference sponsors included: Globetrotter DebtTrader FLOCK Specialty Finance LexisNexis [...]


DBA Responds to Column on Drastic Regulations for Debt Buyers

Dear Editor, DBA International, the voice of the debt buying industry, understands the concerns raised in Rich Scherer’s guest column, “Drastic Regulations for Debt Collectors,” that the New York business community could experience challenges with the implementation of the new rules and regulations on debt [...]


DBA International Installs New President, Elects Other Officers

DBA International elected Kaye Dreifuerst as president during the association’s 18th Annual Conference. Dreifuerst begins her term on the heels of a very successful conference where the overall mood in the industry appeared to be shifting to a more balanced and optimistic view of the [...]

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