Press Releases

Press Releases2023-03-09T15:40:32-08:00

RMAI publishes and distributes press releases on various RMAI and receivables management industry topics including the RMAI Receivables Management Certification Program, the RMAI Annual Conference, financial literacy, member resources, and more.


Week Number 4: Make a List – Check It Twice

Inflation makes basic housing, energy, food, and transportation costs more expensive and causes economic stress for most people. Economic stress can make money management more difficult and unpredictable. If you are finding it challenging to pay your monthly bills or pay off your credit [...]


Week Number 3: Avoid Buy Now, Pay Later – Pay in Cash Today

One of the hottest financing tools available to consumers today is the Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) payment option. Simply put, this payment option allows the consumer to take possession of an item they wish to purchase immediately but pay for it over time. The [...]


RMAI Announces Maxwell & Graves Solutions, LLC as new Authorized Audit Provider

December 9, 2022 (Sacramento, CA) – Receivables Management Association International (RMAI) has selected Maxwell & Graves Solutions, LLC (M&G) as an authorized audit provider for the RMAI Receivables Management Certification Program.  The purpose of the Certification Audits is to ensure that Certified Receivables Businesses (CRB) and [...]


Week Number 4: Pay Your Debts Second

Last week’s tip for our Countdown to the New Year Series on five easy steps for managing inflation focused on the importance of paying yourself first. This week’s tip emphasizes the power of paying off your past due bills as your second step. If [...]


RMAI Celebrates Membership Milestone

December 7, 2022 (Sacramento, CA) – The Receivables Management Association International (RMAI) surpassed 600 members last week. RMAI members come from all sectors of the financial services industry that purchase or support the purchase of receivables on the secondary market, including originating creditors, debt buyers, [...]


Week Number 5: Pay Yourself First

For many of us, the holidays are a time for spreading good cheer. Unfortunately, that can lead to impulsive spending, excessive gift giving, and living beyond one’s means. Even during years of low inflation, these behaviors can cripple our ability to pay bills on [...]


Stop Shopping On- Line, Say No to Cookies and Change All Your Passwords

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month October 21, 2022 (Sacramento, CA) - Each year, October is designated as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. During this month, countless articles are written, and many television news stories are featured, warning all of us to be wary of sharing our [...]

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