Monday activities kicked off with the Legislative Fund Donor Appreciation Reception.

Neal Jagoda, VoApps, Inc.; Michael Shapiro, EZ Messenger; Owen Compton, The Cook Law Office; and Anthony D’Elia, Acumen Solutions Group enjoyed a day out golfing at the Desert Pines Golf Club.

All of the education panels attracted a large crowd, including DEI: What is Equity, Inclusion & Belonging?

The Silent Auction benefitting the Legislative Fund is always a big hit.

Winner of the Bud Reitzel Lifetime Commitment Award, Mark Naiman, with RMAI President Adam Parks.

Integrity Award Winner, Amber Russo, with RMAI President Adam Parks

President's Award winner, Bekah Luebcke, with RMAI President Adam Parks.

The chairs were always full at the shoe shine station sponsored by Zenarate.