Every industry has a story to tell when communicating the value of that industry. Success in communicating this value often produces beneficial results that strengthen the brand by proactively preventing negative press and perception, while reducing its profile with the legislative and regulatory communities.

DBA International is proud to help educate policymakers on the benefits of the debt buying industry and how our Receivables Management Certification Program has established industry standards that exceed those required under state and federal law.

However, there remains more we can do to enhance our message. Representatives of DBA International are often asked in meetings, with the regulatory community, if we have any consumer testimonials to support our message. They indicate it would be helpful to hear consumer accounts of how debt buying companies have worked with consumers to help them get back on their financial feet to counter the stories of woe they hear from consumer advocates and see in the media.

In order to respond to these requests and also to further enhance the image of the industry, DBA International has decided to build an Industry Consumer Testimonial Databank. But we need the help of our member companies to make this initiative a success.

Please join the effort by taking the following steps today:

  1. Assign an employee to be the company contact for the project. Send DBA International the name and email address of your company contact so that we can send annual updates on our progress.
  2. Develop a company procedure and communicate it to your employees that will ask them to send any compliments, accolades, or stories of positive outcomes (i.e. testimonials) that are received from consumers to the company contact.
  3. Ask the company contact to delete or redact any personal identifying information from the testimonial and then send it to DBA International at dreid@dbainternational.org to be added to the Industry Consumer Testimonial Databank. If it is possible, please include the:
    • Consumer’s initials,
    • State of residence, and
    • Date of correspondence

“Thank you so much for being so nice I am sitting here crying because you are helping me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, thanks.”
–B.M., Kansas (10/20/16)

“We came to a settlement today and my wife and I are grateful for the outcome .The women who took care of us was very nice and understood our hardship. We will pay our bill every month using our bill-pay. Thank you, XXXXX.”
–A.I., New York (11/21/16)

We have spoken to legal counsel about the sharing of consumer testimonials and have been told that as long as all identifiable information concerning the consumer has been removed we should be fine. However, when possible, DBA International would recommend companies receive consumer permission to use their statement.

If you have any questions, please contact David Reid at DBA International at (916) 482-2462 or dreid@dbainternational.org.