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BBB National Programs independently administers the Remediation Committee for RMAI’s Receivables Management Certification Program (RMCP).
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Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to the most frequent questions we receive about our the receivables management industry, our organization and the members we represent.
Receivables Management Association International is the nonprofit trade association that represents more than 600 companies that support the purchase, sale, and collection of performing and nonperforming receivables on the secondary market. RMAI member companies include debt buyers, collection agencies, law firms, originating creditors and industry-related product and service providers. RMAI provides its members with extensive networking, educational, and business development opportunities in asset classes that span numerous industries. The association publishes spring and fall publications, a monthly online newsletter and Member Alerts, and conducts robust state and federal advocacy efforts in support of RMAI members and their businesses.
Founded in 1997, RMAI is headquartered in Sacramento, California.
RMAI promotes the essential role of the receivables management industry in the credit ecosystem.
RMAI ensures a viable credit ecosystem by setting receivables management industry standards, being the authoritative voice in advocacy, championing professional and ethical business practices, and providing unrivaled business networking opportunities.
RMAI serves as the voice of the receivables management industry, representing members before federal and state policymakers and in the courts. Despite a clearly challenging landscape, RMAI has maintained an unparalleled level of success for:
- Negotiating a positive outcome on bills that we negotiated at the state level
- Engaging lobbyists in numerous states, including California, Connecticut, Oregon, Massachusetts, Colorado, Maine, New Hampshire, and Washington, to name a few
- Maintaining a strong presence in Washington, D.C. and continuing to developing influential relationships with the CFPB, FTC and OCC
- Consistently educating local, state and federal policymakers on the important and critical role the industry plays in the credit ecocycle
The Legislative Fund was created to extend the impact of RMAI’s advocacy activities beyond what would be otherwise possible, providing critical financial resources that enable RMAI to engage and educate legislators around the country, and to more effectively support or oppose legislation that affects the industry. Legislative Fund contributions support RMAI’s robust state and federal advocacy efforts on behalf of the receivables management industry.
Yes! We share helpful information and tools with consumers for making informed financial decisions and taking control of their finances. You can visit our consumer financial literacy website at FinancialLiteracy.Rocks. We also provide quick links to consumer agencies. Click here.
RMAI’s Receivables Management Certification Program offers professional designations to businesses and individuals operating and employed within the accounts receivables industry. RMAI launched the Certification Program in 2013 with a stated mission to “provide enhanced consumer protections through rigorous and uniform industry standards of best practice.” Often cited as the “gold standard” due to requirements that go above and beyond what is required by law, the program certifies debt buyers, collection agencies, law firms, brokers, and vendors. For more information, click here.
Why join? Here’s what current members have to say:
“The fact that RMAI comprises debt buyers, brokers, sellers, vendors, agencies, law firms, and service providers really makes for a comprehensive, productive marketplace.”
– Todd Lansky, CRCP, Resurgence Capital, LLC
“Networking opportunities have allowed me to expand my business and, more importantly, develop bonds that transcend a mere business relationship.”
– Steven Cohen, CRCP, Law Offices of Steven Cohen
“Membership in RMAI allows us to actively participate with lawmakers around the country to get our points of view heard.”
– Marian Sangalang, CRCP, The Bureaus, Inc.
“It is imperative that we join an organization that advocates for the companies in this industry to do business in a compliant manner. I want to be a part of an organization that keeps a pulse on all regulatory matters, holds us to the highest compliance standards, and puts our donations to work in a legislative advocacy fund. You should want to be part of that organization too.”
– Jeremiah Wheeler, Digital Recognition Network
- Education & Training – enjoy complimentary and discounted registration for in-person conferences, live and recorded educational webinars, and other resources for receivables professionals
- Events & Networking – make valuable connections through exclusive networking opportunities, Annual Conferences, and other events
- Member Only Communications – stay up to date as the trends, laws, and regulations around the industry evolve. Member Alerts, press releases, blog posts, newsletters, magazine articles and more
- Grassroots Advocacy – participate in state and federal advocacy efforts on behalf of the industry. Influence public policies that promote consumer protection and sound business practices
- Certification – appreciate savings on certification application/renewal fees and annual membership dues
- Advertising – maximize your advertising budget with discounted advertising rates and member-only advertising options.
- Complete the online membership application.
Here are a few things to have ready for the application process:
- Owner Info (including names, home addresses, DOB, % share) OR if publicly traded, a statement of ownership.
- Industry References, including names, titles, organizations, and email addresses. Note: Three are required, if one is an RMAI member; otherwise, five are required.
The RMAI Resource Library is your one-stop shop for knowledge and information featuring the following subject areas:
- RMAI Information & Opportunities – RMAI Ad Kit, Contributor Guidelines, Maximizing Your Membership, DEI Baseline Recommendations, Exhibitor & Sponsor Prospectus, Annual Reports and more.
- Certification Resources – Program Overview, Governance Document, Certified Business Directory, Certified Individual Directory, Education Credit Form, Authorized Audit Providers, Business Certification Application, Individual Certification Application, Vendor Certification Application, Family of Companies Certification Application, Impact of Certification on Litigation, and Impact of Certification on Litigation Infographic.
- White Papers & Resources – Bankruptcy Paper, Fintech Primer Paper, Debt Buying Industry Paper, Guide to Receivables Management Industry, and Out of Statute Debt Report
- Compliance Resources — State Licensing, Amicus Briefs, Request Amicus Brief, and Legal Decisions
- Membership Resources – Membership Information, Membership Application, and Additional Membership Representative Form
New items are added as they become available. To let us know your suggestions, contact Aurora Sain.
Whether an award, acquisition, new hire, executive change, community involvement, or general announcement, we want to share news from RMAI members! Email news and press releases to our Communications & Administrative Coordinator at [email protected].
Showcase your company, product, or service through RMAI’s quality communications. Advertising in RMAI’s media channels—website, social media, eblast, blog, RMAI Insights and RMAI Digital Dispatch annual publications, RMAI Update monthly e-newsletter, or Annual Conference program books—gives you broad access to RMAI members, creating brand awareness and new business opportunities. The best strategy to reach buyers and potential business partners in the receivables management industry is an integrated advertising program that combines the best of print, online, and event communications. RMAI offers complimentary advertising proposals; just let us know your budget and goals. For more information, click here.