
What is the Legislative Fund?

The Legislative Fund was created to extend the impact of RMAI’s advocacy activities beyond what would be otherwise possible, providing critical financial resources that enable RMAI to engage and educate legislators around the country, and to more effectively support or oppose legislation that affects the industry. Legislative Fund contributions support RMAI’s robust state and federal […]

2023-12-13T12:45:48-08:00October 21, 2020|, |

What is the RMAI Receivables Management Certification Program?

RMAI’s Receivables Management Certification Program offers professional designations to businesses and individuals operating and employed within the accounts receivables industry. RMAI launched the Certification Program in 2013 with a stated mission to “provide enhanced consumer protections through rigorous and uniform industry standards of best practice.” Often cited as the “gold standard” due to requirements that […]

2023-12-13T12:43:46-08:00June 13, 2020|, , , |
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